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Critical limb ischemia (CLI) is an advanced stage of PAD and can lead to amputation, if not treated quickly and effectively. At Beverly Hills Heart and Vascular Center, we are specialize in limb salvae surgery.
It is usually caused by blockage of the vessels both, above and below the knee and very commonly, its associated with complete occlusion of one or more of these vessels.
It’s hard to believe that more than half of the over 250,000 people in the US, who end up with amputation never had an angiogram done before the amputation to assess the circulation and give the patient a chance to salvage his leg!
Interventional cardiology as the leader, along with interventional radiology and vascular surgery, have developed techniques and procedures, over the last 2 decades, that are very effective and can save majority of these patients. In the last ten years there has been a tremendous progress with angioplasty, lasers, atherectomy devices, balloons and stents, that can open up the blocked arteries in the leg and prevent amputation.
I have been in the forefront of this amazing journey and have saved hundreds of legs in the last 18 years. I have been so lucky to be given the opportunity to save patients legs and enjoy the love and gratitude that has been extended to me by these patients!
The most recent advances in the techniques of limb salvage has come from the cardiologists in Leipzig, Germany. These techniques and concepts, along with drug eluting stents and balloons, have REVOLUTIONARIZED this field and have left NO DOUBT, that all patients with CLI, deserve an angiogram and have to be evaluated by an interventionist that is an expert in this field, has the experience and has demonstrated his ability to SAVE LEGS!!! ANYTHING ELSE IS JUST NOT ACCEPTABLE!!
I don’t claim that I can save all legs with CLI, but I can promise you that I will thoroughly evaluate a patient with CLI, in our fully equipped diagnostic facility with 64 slice CT scan and 3tesla MRI.
I can promise you that I will find a way to open up the arteries to that leg in more than 85% of cases, and save that leg!
I can promise you that I will reach deep in my bag of tricks and vast experience of performing more than 10,000 cardiac and vascular interventions in the past 26 years, to come up with a solution to revascularize your leg.
Advanced techniques and devices, including the retrograde approach and ultrasound guided recanalization of chronic long total occlusions of the vessels above and below the knee, has left no room for failure to try to salvage a leg.
Madyoon Method, will address both the arterial and venous systems in the legs and the body. Venous disease is unfortunately ignored or not properly evaluated in the majority of cases, while venous ulcers in the foot, are actually more common than arterial ulcers, and can be treated very effectively to prevent progression to amputation.
BHVCI is one of a very few out of hospital centers in the world that combines the most advanced and sophisticated technologies for the diagnosis of Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) and venous disease WITH the unique and proven expertise of Dr. Madyoon and his other colleagues, to provide exceptional care and treatment of Heart and Vascular disease.