Preparing For Deep Vein Thrombosis Treatment

woman preparing for deep vein thrombosis treatment

Deep vein thrombosis is a medical condition that requires intervention. The condition occurs when a blood clot forms in a vein. This can increase your risk of a pulmonary embolism. A pulmonary embolism is life-threatening. Because of this, it is important to address your deep vein thrombosis right away. A skilled medical professional can assess …


What Your Veins Say About Your Health

concept image of veins related to health

Your veins are one part of a complex system of pathways that make up your cardiovascular system. They are primarily responsible for taking deoxygenated blood from the rest of the body back through the heart and lungs. Essentially, your veins have a vital role, and they often have to work against gravity to get the …


Jobs that Are Bad for Your Veins

Jobs that are bad for your veins.

It’s a sad fact that modern society really isn’t built with our health in mind. It is no wonder that there are jobs that are bad for your veins. So much of the work that requires a human actor necessitates habits that actively damage our bones, muscles, and cardiovascular systems among other things. However, some …


How to Feel Confident in Your Skin?

Feel confident in your skin

When our skin is acting up, many of us feel terribly visible. Being able to feel confident in your skin becomes almost impossible. It may be a large rash, a few really bad pimples, or even spider veins creeping down the back of your leg, but the result is the same. We are so aware …


Do Spider Veins Spread?

Gloved hand pointing to leg where spider veins spread

Spider veins may not have the same notoriety as varicose veins, but they are just as unsightly. The worst part is that spider veins are extremely common, especially for women. Although they are not inherently dangerous, many women would like to know if spider veins spread and how to stop them. Fortunately, there are treatment options you can opt for Los Angeles vein treatment from Beverly Hills Vein Center. But what can you do to prevent them and stop the spreading before they become a major problem?