Category: Varicose Veins

When Should You Consult a Vein Specialist?

Most often its clear when you should go to a doctor. However, people are often unclear when they should see a doctor or specialist for vein pain or issues. Because your veins pay an integral role in your overall health, it’s important to know when to seek medical attention. Below you will find the most …


Can Varicose Veins Go Away on Their Own?

Woman using a mirror to look for varicose veins on her legs . Varicose vein removal in Los Angeles.

Since varicose veins can be a health issue just as much as a cosmetic issue, their presence is often unwelcomed. Your self-esteem is part of your overall health. If you have been seeing varicose veins appear over a number of years, or have recently been noticing them, it may get you to consider treatment. Is …


How Do You Know if Varicose Veins are Dangerous?

are varicose veins dangerous

Varicose veins appear as twisted, enlarged veins that lie close to the surface of the skin. They may start near your feet and creep up to your thighs over time. Many people feel embarrassed by the appearance of bulging veins close to the skin. But, are varicose veins dangerous? The doctors at Beverly Hills Vein …


Spider Veins During Pregnancy

vein treatment center in Los Angeles

It’s no secret that pregnancy can make the body go through many drastic changes. Your skin might stretch to sizes it’s never been before, and that can cause some unsavory looks in a few particular areas. Spider veins, in particular, are one of the biggest concerns that pregnant people face. At Beverly Hills Vein Center, …


What is the Best Treatment for Varicose Veins?

vein removal Los Angeles

Varicose veins are veins that become twisted and enlarged. Any vein may become a varicose vein, but they are most commonly developed in your legs due to standing and walking. For the most part, varicose veins are merely just a cosmetic concern, appearing dark and purple and sometimes bulging. However, in some cases, veins can …


Are Varicose Veins Hereditary?

are varicose veins hereditary

You have probably seen varicose veins on a member of your family or have heard about them at some point of your life. But what exactly are they and what are the chances that they might develop on you? Varicose veins are dark blue veins that show more pigment through your skin due to the …