Most Common Signs of a Heart Attack

Woman on bench experiencing signs of a heart attack

Heart attacks can come in many shapes and forms, and it can sometimes be difficult to recognize the symptoms. When you are suffering from a heart attack, it is critical to get in touch with your cardiologist in Los Angeles right away. Some attacks can be fast, while others may happen more subtly. Either way, …


Does Working Out Help Spider Veins?

Man and woman stretching legs on run to see if working out helps spider veins

Over half of women are affected by spider veins and they affect twice as many women as men. Spider veins are small, red, purple, and blue vessels that twist and turn on your leg, chest, or face. Spider veins are easily visible through the skin. They can be caused by various factors, but that doesn’t …


This Diet Will Cleanse Your Arteries!

Food on a heart tray with stethoscope for artery cleanse diet

Everyone talks about how to address heart health, yet, in reality, the question really comes down to circulatory health. In limiting our focus to a single major organ at a time, we ignore their natural role as part of a much larger system. Arterial health, for example, is key to longevity and quality of life. …


Is Heart Disease Treatable?

Doctor holding model of heart over answering is heart disease treatable

Heart disease is an ugly beast that can rear its head in many forms. Coronary artery disease is the most common form, and this type of disease is often quite deadly. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, coronary artery disease is the number one cause of death in the United States. …


Are Spider Veins Preventable?

Close up of spider veins on knee. Are spider veins preventable?

Spider veins are small veins in the legs that become twisted and swollen. They’re quite common as people age, become pregnant, or gain weight, and especially among women. While spider veins are mostly harmless unless they develop into larger varicose veins, they aren’t the most desirable looking things to get on one’s legs, sticking out …


Why are Spider Veins Itchy?

person sitting on bench scratching leg because of itchy spider veins

While spider veins are somewhat harmless, they can provide some unfortunate discomfort. Apart from not being the most aesthetically pleasing thing to look at on our bodies, they can also be quite itchy or cause a burning sensation. Why Do Spider Veins Occur? Spider veins are small blood vessels underneath the skin’s surface that form …


Common Causes of Leg Swelling

Elderly woman's swollen legs and feet in need of the best cardiologist in Los Angeles

Have you recently noticed your pants and socks fitting tighter? This may be due to swelling in your legs. A variety of factors cause swollen legs, some more serious than others. In order to get an accurate diagnosis of what is causing the swelling for you specifically, contact the Beverly Hills Vein Center today. As …


Can Varicose Veins Go Away on Their Own?

Woman using a mirror to look for varicose veins on her legs . Varicose vein removal in Los Angeles.

Since varicose veins can be a health issue just as much as a cosmetic issue, their presence is often unwelcomed. Your self-esteem is part of your overall health. If you have been seeing varicose veins appear over a number of years, or have recently been noticing them, it may get you to consider treatment. Is …


How Do You Know if Varicose Veins are Dangerous?

are varicose veins dangerous

Varicose veins appear as twisted, enlarged veins that lie close to the surface of the skin. They may start near your feet and creep up to your thighs over time. Many people feel embarrassed by the appearance of bulging veins close to the skin. But, are varicose veins dangerous? The doctors at Beverly Hills Vein …


Spider Veins During Pregnancy

vein treatment center in Los Angeles

It’s no secret that pregnancy can make the body go through many drastic changes. Your skin might stretch to sizes it’s never been before, and that can cause some unsavory looks in a few particular areas. Spider veins, in particular, are one of the biggest concerns that pregnant people face. At Beverly Hills Vein Center, …