The Best Exercises for Varicose Veins

Exercises for varicose veins

Varicose veins are extremely common, and while most aren’t medically dangerous, they make showing a little skin far less fun. Technically, you could develop varicose veins anywhere, but they’re usually present on the legs. Their appearance can vary somewhat based on severity, but they generally appear as thick, twisted, purple veins near the skin’s surface. …


Foods to Avoid When You Have Varicose Veins

Foods to avoid with varicose veins include sweets

Varicose veins are a relatively common problem caused by the weakening of vein walls or valves due to increased pressure. Pregnancy, constipation, tumors, and obesity are common risk factors that can lead to the development of varicose veins over time. Unfortunately, the damage can be highly visible, as the weakened or broken walls allow blood …


Vaping and Coronary Artery Disease

Vaping and coronary artery disease might be more related than you might hope

The heart is an integral part of your body. If it doesn’t function properly, your blood will not be pumped to where it needs to go to sustain a healthy life. While smoking cigarettes and poor health have been linked, many people have wondered if the same connection applies to vaping. This new phenomenon has …


What is a Stasis Ulcer?

What is a stasis ulcer?

A stasis ulcer occurs when your skin breaks down due to fluid buildup in your lower legs. The breakdown of the skin is in the form of an ulcer and is usually caused by poor vein function. If you experience an open wound on your leg, you should seek medical help right away. You may …


Sugar and Increased Risk for Heart Disease

Sugar Puts You At Risk for Heart Disease

Did you know the average American consumes about 57 pounds of added sugar each year? To provide some perspective, that is about 17 teaspoons each day, where the American Heart Association only recommends six teaspoons each day. Since the consumption of added sugar is so far from the recommended amount, it is not hard to …


Causes of Pelvic Congestion

Do you have pelvic congestion disorder?

What is Pelvic Congestion? Pelvic congestion is a condition that occurs in women who develop varicose veins in their pelvic region. Varicose veins are veins that swell, twist, and ultimately lengthen due to poor vein function. Pelvic congestion is painful and can often be debilitating both mentally and physically.  It is relatively common. Approximately one-third of …


How Can Smoking Lead to Peripheral Artery Disease

Smoking and Peripheral Artery Disease

For decades, health experts have warned people of the dangerous side effects smoking can wreak on your body. Cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, gum damage, and respiratory disease are just a few of the commonly linked health conditions that are associated with smoking. Now, it appears health experts have added smoking and Peripheral Artery Disease as …


Will Spider Veins Go Away After Pregnancy?

Pregnant woman pointing to spider veins during pregnancy on leg

Unfortunately, spider veins during pregnancy are a real issue. They are the small reddish or bluish veins that appear on your legs and face. They can come in many forms: a series of short, unconnected lines; in a web pattern; or in a concentrated circular shape. Spider Veins During Pregnancy During pregnancy, your hormones are …


When to Get an MRI

MRI machine

Although you may have heard the term “MRI” literally hundreds of times while watching your favorite hospital dramas, in reality, most of us only have a meet and greet with an MRI machine a handful of times during our lives. Surely, some people are less fortunate in that regard, but it does mean that the …


Is Deep Vein Thrombosis an Emergency?

Constricted artery diagram

Deep vein thrombosis can lead to major health problems and can sometimes be fatal. With that, contacting your medical care provider or getting medical attention as soon as possible is important. To most outside the medical community, deep vein thrombosis (DVT) may sound like a cluster of fancy medical words that’s beyond our understanding. However, the health issue is fairly simple to understand. The blood in your body that moves in your veins can sometimes move too slowly. This causes a backup in your veins and can cause your blood cells to clump into a clot. When a blood clot forms in a vein that is deep inside your body, it causes DVT. It is most often found in your lower leg, thigh, or pelvis, but it can occur in other areas of your body as well. Deep Vein Thrombosis can lead to a number of health problems and it can also be fatal. This is why medical treatment is so necessary if you experience any of the signs or symptoms.