Hidden Causes of Spider Veins

Doctor looking for hidden causes of spider veins

Spider veins are caused by weak or damaged valves. These valves are an important part of cardiovascular function. They essentially help your blood travel upward, through your legs, against the pull of gravity. When they’re functioning properly, they only allow blood to travel in one direction, preventing blood from succumbing to gravity and pooling in …


Worst Habits for Your Arteries

Worst habits for your arteries include certain footwear perhaps

Arterial health is vital to protecting your long-term quality of life. These crucial pieces of the cardiovascular system are responsible for shipping incredible amounts of blood from your heart out to the rest of your body. Without healthy arteries, it is nearly impossible for your body to transport nutrient-rich, oxygenated blood to all of your …


How Can I Check Vein Health?

Older individuals who want to check vein health.

Your vein health is just as vital as the health of any other system in your body. Your veins work hard to bring deoxygenated blood back through your lungs so that your blood can be reoxygenated and distributed throughout your body. So how can you check vein health? How Can I Check Vein Health? If …


Foods that Lower Thrombosis Risk

Bunch of foods that lower thrombosis risk in a bowel.

Deep vein thrombosis is when a clot forms in one of the deep veins of your body. It is most commonly seen in the thigh but can occur elsewhere. A typical case will present with pain and swelling near the location of the clot, but it is possible to have deep vein thrombosis without any …


Does the Sun Cause Spider Veins?

Woman under the sun which can cause spider veins.

In many ways, the Sun is the gift that keeps on giving. It allows our bodies to synthesize Vitamin D and provides plants with the energy needed to turn carbon dioxide into oxygen. Unfortunately, too much sun exposure can do serious damage to your skin resulting in sunburn, permanent discoloration, and an increased likelihood of …


Can Sugar Cause Heart Problems?

sad heart made from sugar which causes heart problems.

It isn’t a secret that the average American’s dietary habits need some serious work. Obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes affect people living in the United States at rates that are practically unheard of in other developed countries with similar standards of living. Identifying just one reason for these rates is practically impossible because …


Why Do Veins Bulge?

Why do veins bulge? Woman with bulging leg veins.

Your cardiovascular system is a complex network of arteries and veins that work together to keep your muscles and organs well-oxygenated and healthy. With that in mind, it makes sense that you may wonder about small variations in the appearance of your veins. The truth is that everyone’s veins bulge in specific circumstances, so bulging …


Can Your Leg Veins Cause Pain?

Can your leg veins cause pain.

Can leg veins cause pain? Varicose veins result from damaged valves that allow some blood to pool rather than flowing smoothly along the normal pathways. The damage and pooled blood gives these veins their enlarged and twisted appearance. Fortunately, many patients don’t suffer from any discomfort as a result of these veins. Their appearance may …


How Smoking Affects Your Heart

How smoking affects your heart.

If you smoke, you already know it isn’t the best choice for your health. Nicotine is highly addictive, and quitting is no easy task. Many people who smoke simply choose to accept the health consequences rather than putting themselves through the stress and pain of withdrawal. It’s a valid, personal choice, but you should only …


Jobs that Are Bad for Your Veins

Jobs that are bad for your veins.

It’s a sad fact that modern society really isn’t built with our health in mind. It is no wonder that there are jobs that are bad for your veins. So much of the work that requires a human actor necessitates habits that actively damage our bones, muscles, and cardiovascular systems among other things. However, some …